Breaking Family Routine

We rely on routines for good reason. They keep us on track and make life predictable. For families, they provide kids with consistency and stability. Routines are important to our daily life. But every once in a while, breaking with routine to do something unexpected can reinvigorate us and inject some fun into daily life. Out-of-the-ordinary moments can bring us closer together as a family and strengthen our bonds with each other. Today we’re sharing some fun ways to shake up your family’s routine. And who knows? Your family might enjoy some of these suggestions so much, they may become new family traditions! 

Yes Day

For those with young children, saying “No” can easily become the default. Choose a day to honor your kid’s choices by saying “Yes”! Set some initial ground rules, such as a budget and your ability to say no to an unsafe choice. Once the rules are established, have a fun day letting the kids take the lead! Ice cream for breakfast? Yes! Wear an astronaut costume all day? Yes!

Kid Meal 

Allow kids to plan and cook a meal. Let them plan the entire meal. Keep an open mind and let them lead. Younger children will need some supervision in the kitchen and might enjoy setting a special table for the occasion. Older children and teenagers will be able to tackle more of the tasks independently. Kids will enjoy planning and cooking for everyone and choosing what is served! 

Learn a New Skill Together 

Is there something you would like to learn? Something your kids would like to learn? Discuss potential ideas as a family. If your kids suggest something out of your comfort zone, go for it! Your kids will be impressed to see you trying something new, even if you fail at it or don’t get it on the first attempt. Learning something together gives you a chance to bond over your successes and failures as you navigate something new. 

Mental Health Day 

When the time allows, think about taking a mental health day from work and give your kids the day off from school. Share the news over breakfast and take the day to do something you both enjoy like baking, hiking, or going on a special outing somewhere. 

Milestone Trips 

Consider celebrating special milestones in your family with a special trip. It could be a weekend away visiting a new city, a camping trip to a local nature area, a road trip to a local vacation spot, or a larger trip overseas. Older children will enjoy getting to take part in the planning and choosing a location to celebrate their milestone. 

One on One Date 

Choose an afternoon or evening to take your child on a date. If you have multiple children, your child will relish the one on one time with you. Grab dinner, visit a farmer’s market or museum, see a play, or even run errands together. The simplest outing will take on special meaning if it’s presented as a chance for some quality time together. 

Stargazing Picnic 

Pack a simple meal, grab a cozy blanket and pillows, and set up an outdoor picnic after dark. Bring flashlights and dress in layers if it’s cold. Younger children will be thrilled to stay up a little later and to enjoy a special dinner outside. Older children can use a stargazing book or app to identify constellations. You can choose a constellation that everyone can find and make it your family constellation, one you look for whenever you are out after dark. 

Snail Mail Day

On a rainy or snowy day, collect envelopes, paper, stickers, and art supplies. Work as a family to write letters to friends and family. Working on a creative, quiet project can be a great time to pause and focus together. Once your letters are ready to go, select stamps and walk to a post office or mailbox to mail. 

Late Night Outing 

After your kids head to bed, wait ten minutes or so before returning to gather the kids and surprise them with a nighttime outing. Throw on coats over pajamas and head out. This could mean a trip to a local diner for a milkshake or to a favorite spot for a sweet treat or french fries. Kids will not forget this very fun outing!

Polar Bear Plunge 

Have you ever tried a Polar Bear Plunge? A Polar Bear Plunge is essentially a chance to jump into frigid water in the winter. Think about finding a local Polar Bear Plunge to take part in. This fun challenge can be an exciting way to break up the winter and get everyone out of their comfort zones. Challenge your family members to give it a try with you! Make sure you have a spotter, or person who isn’t participating in the plunge that can observe from dry land to ensure everyone is safe. 

Upside Down Dinner 

Have you heard of an upside down dinner? This dinner will be a favorite with younger children. Instead of eating dinner first, start with dessert! Instead of sitting at the table, sit under the table! Instead of dinner food, try eating breakfast food. Brainstorm your own ways to make this silly dinner even sillier. 

We’d love to hear from you! Do you have a fun family tradition in your house that breaks up the usual routine? Share in the comments below!  

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