Boost Your Mood This Winter

Are you feeling a little blah at this point in the winter? Just us? We are just far enough past the holiday season and still many weeks from spring. Just the right time to really sink into those winter blahs. But we’re here to remind you (and ourselves) that this season can still be beautiful. No matter what you might be working through, there are simple ways we can lift our spirits and make the lingering winter a little more bearable. 

If You’re Feeling Stressed
If you’re feeling stressed, you are not alone. We are juggling a lot right now, while also staying flexible and nimble to constant changes. 

- Focus on what you can control, let go of what you can’t.

- Make a list of the three most important items you need to accomplish. Let the rest go. 

- Find your breath. Take one breath at a time. 

- Set a timer and take a break from responsibilities. Maybe it’s 30 minutes. Or five minutes. Choose an activity that brings stress relief. Maybe it’s watching an episode of a familiar TV show or knitting or taking a hot bath before bed. Carve out some time to step away, even for a moment. 

If You’re Feeling Sad

The world has experienced so much loss over the last two years. You might be mourning the loss of a family member, a friend, or a pet. Perhaps you are experiencing strained relations with a loved one. 

- Allow yourself time to feel sad. Name what you are feeling and give yourself time to explore it. Cry if you need it. Shout if you need it. Release what you feel. 

- Nourish yourself. Get fresh air outside with a walk. Eat a meal that replenishes you. Prioritize getting enough sleep. 

- Read words that bring comfort and journal to express your thoughts. 

- Choose an activity that brings you joy. 

If You’re Feeling Like You’re Not Enough
We’ve all been there. Feeling overwhelmed by our responsibilities, filling too many roles at one time and feeling unable to devote the attention we want to everyone and everything. We might find ourselves in the comparison loop with a friend or a complete stranger on social media. It’s a pretty lousy place to be.  

- Step away from social media. Maybe it’s a few days. Maybe you need a few weeks or months away. When/If you return, review the accounts you are following and remove the accounts that are triggering negative feelings. 

- Celebrate your strengths. Write them down, say them out loud. Find ways to use them.

- If you have too much on your plate, practice saying no to offers and plans. Hitting pause helps us recharge and will allow us to return when we have the space to be more present. 

- Practice finding gratitude everyday. Start and end your day by listing what you are grateful for. Connecting to our gratitude helps us value what we already have. 

If You’re Feeling Anxious 

There is so much to feel uncertain or anxious about these days. It can feel overwhelming! We have endured so much uncertainty in the last few years. 

- Focus on the moment right in front of you. Take deep breaths. 

- Remember that anxious feelings can’t change future outcomes.

-Practice grounding to help you reconnect to the present moment. 

  • What are 3 things you can see? 

  • What are 3 things you can hear? 

  • What are 3 things you can feel? 

  • What can you smell? 

  • What can you taste? 

We hope this post can help you find peace and comfort if you’ve been feeling blue! This season will pass and soon there will be a beautiful spring ahead. Don’t forget this fun list of ways to beat the winter blues. And if you are continuing to struggle or feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate to reach out to your trusted healthcare provider for support.

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