Fast Food Hacks - How to Eat Healthy On-The-Go

NOVEMBER - It’s here in full swing! The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is already well underway! In all of your extra errand running, party preparations, and shopping, this may be a time of year when you are eating on-the-go more often than is typical. We are so grateful for the convenience of food that is available almost anywhere, anytime! However, we recognize that defaulting to hamburgers, ice cream, and takeout pizzas may not be the ticket to sustaining short-term energy or long-term health. 

In honor of National Fast Food Day today, we are going to share a few of our favorite tips for eating healthy on the go! Before we dive into suggestions and potential swaps, let us be clear - there is a time and a place for all of your favorite not-so-healthy treats, but what we are aiming to do here is to help you think ahead! So when you’re seriously hangry after two hours of Christmas shopping, you’re equipped to make a healthy choice instead of reverting to old habits. 

Mindset Tip: Everything you eat is a choice! Yes, you CAN order french fries, and maybe you will! But maybe you will choose to pass this time around, knowing that you will have more energy to tackle the rest of your day after eating your favorite grilled chicken salad instead! 

Do you often grab…..

Soda and a cookie at your favorite pop shop?

Instead, choose an all-fruit smoothie, or one with a combination of fruits, veggies and yogurt! You’ll get that sip of sweetness you’re craving with some natural fruit and a whole lot more nutrients. Check out the menu to be sure that the ice cream or sherbet are not in your drink. Most smoothie/drink shops also offer options to add a protein powder supplement! This extra protein will keep you full for longer and sustain you until your next meal!


Chips or candy at the gas station?

Instead, try an individual string cheese, an apple, and a bag of cashews, almonds, or your favorite jerky. You’ll find these healthy, filling options (and MANY more) available at nearly every gas station! Next time you visit your local gas station, take a moment to look around and find them!

Hamburgers and fries?

Instead, opt for an entree salad! These are available at nearly every burger restaurant or fast-food joint. A good rule of thumb is to ask for your dressing on the side. Add only the amount of dressing that you need, or skip the dressing all together! Mustard, salsa, lime juice and avocado are excellent substitutes that add flavor and moisture to your salad without all the extra sugar and refined oils that are often packed in restaurant/fast food salad dressings. After skipping or using less of your dressing, you’ll find that you can better identify and savor the more subtle flavors of the wholesome foods in your salad!

A takeout pizza?

Instead, swap for turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread, packed with your favorite crisp veggies! Consider swapping out your mayonnaise, chipotle sauce, and ranch for a combination of olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper! To further slim down your sandwich, pass on the cheese, or consider a lettuce wrap instead of bread! If you’re super hungry, up the protein by requesting extra turkey or chicken!

When we have the foresight and discipline to pick a more nutrient dense option on-the-go, we have more momentum to meet our goals! Take a minute to jot down a few of your favorite healthy fast food go-tos so you’re prepared next time you are caught out and about with a rumbling tummy!

What are your favorite tips for eating healthy on the go?

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