Fun Fall Date Ideas to Add to Your Bucket List


In all its breezy, red and gold, pumpkin-everything glory, FALL IS HERE! This is the perfect time of year to be outdoors, enjoying the people you love coupled with great weather and vibrant autumn colors. NOW is the time to pull out your bucket list and add a few fun date ideas for you and your honey!

If you’ve followed Golden Coil for very long, you’ve probably heard about one of our favorite +Pages, the Bucket List. If you haven’t already added this page to your planner, it is an absolute must for your next one! Our Bucket List +Page offers you the opportunity to not only list your fun ambitions for the year (or season!), but to record when you accomplished them, and to rate them! The Bucket List can be a page that you and your loved one fill out together and enjoy revisiting to look back on your experiences. 

Here are a few of our favorite fall date ideas to add to your Bucket List:

  • Sip on caramel apple cider and hold hands while browsing or shopping at your local farmer’s market.

  • Make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies together and deliver them to neighbors or friends (and eat a few yourselves, of course!).

  • Take a long drive up a nearby canyon to see autumn leaves while listening to a throwback playlist. Stop in your favorite scenic areas to snap photos or to sit and enjoy the view.

  • Paint pumpkins to decorate your front porch or your home interior. Grab a variety of fun supplies and search Pinterest or YouTube for design inspiration!

  • Organize a group date to a challenging corn maze! Have each couple chip in a few dollars for a small prize (like a restaurant gift card) and race other couples to the end of the maze. 

  • Try outdoor yoga - spread out your mats on the porch, in the backyard, or even in a local park and enjoy a guided YouTube yoga practice.

  • Dip and decorate caramel apples! While the caramel is cooling, grab the blankets, hop on the couch, and snuggle up for a movie.

  • Attend a local high school or university football game! Dress up in all the fan colors, snack on concessions and rate the halftime entertainment together.

  • Revisit your inner child by raking up a yard full of leaves! Jump in them, bury each other, or make designs with the leaves before you bag them.

  • Plan a bake-off with several other couples! Pick a local, in-season ingredient for each group (think peaches, apples, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.) and set a time limit to create a baked good. Choose a judge to pick a winning dish, or simply enjoy taste-testing all together!

  • Build your own tin foil dinners at home and cook them in a campfire up the canyon. Don’t forget the s’mores supplies for dessert! Bring cozy camp chairs, blankets, and mood music.

It is so easy to get caught up in the rhythm of school and work schedules once Fall arrives, so be sure to pencil in some time to slow down and invest in your most important relationships. We promise, you will thank yourself afterward!

What else is on YOUR fall bucket list?

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