5 Creative Ways to Capture Your Summer Memories

Whether you’ve spent the summer months exploring afar or staying close to home, we’ve got 5 creative ways to memorialize your summer fun.

Make a Scrap Envelope

Not a scrapbooker? Try a scrap envelope! To start, write the name of your trip destination on a sturdy envelope. You can even decorate it with all of the things you’re excited to explore on your trip. (If you have time before you leave, this is a fun way to get the whole family excited about your adventure). Fill the envelope with fun bits and bobs from your adventures. This might include ticket stubs, business cards, leaves, and whatever found items you’ve come across on your journey. You can build your envelope once you’ve returned home or throughout your trip. You can make it a family affair where each person contributes a thing or two. Once your envelope is packed, you can make a key noting all of your envelope contents alongside each item’s significance. 

Make a Photo Collage

Looking for a simple way to capture your holiday memories? Make a daily collage of 6-8 photos that feature your favorite things from the day. You can make a physical collage with prints from Print Photo or make a digital collage with a mobile app like Pic Collage. 

Start a Collection

Teacups? Postcards? Pressed flowers? Collecting small items every time you travel is a fun and easy way to document where you’ve been. You may also want to keep a list of the items in your collection and details around their acquisition. 

Start a Travel Journal... Of Lists!

If journaling during a trip feels like too much, try creating lists. You can use a dedicated list journal or a series of index cards with each one featuring its own list. Get creative! Your list can be sentimental, irreverent, broad or very specific. Some list ideas might be “Best Vista Points”, “Things We Bought at the Gas Station” or “The Best Things I Ate In…”. If you’re list-making as a family, each person could brainstorm topics and you could draft your lists together. 

Draw a Map

If you’re feeling crafty, mapmaking is a fun and creative way to document your summer adventures. Draw all of the important landmarks you’ve explored. This could anything from a favorite ice cream shop to a bench you sat on to watch a beautiful sunset. Interested in learning how to draw maps? Check out How to Make Hand-Drawn Maps: A Creative Guide with Tips, Tricks, and Projects by Helen Cann

How do you capture your holiday memories? Let us know in the comments below. 

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