Curating a Design Contest Pinterest Board

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Pinterest Board Design Contest

Whether or not you’ve started working on your design for this year’s contest, curating a Pinterest board is a great way to gather inspiration to get yourself started or to work through a block. Today we wanted to share a few of our tips for creating the perfect Pinterest board to get you creatively inspired!


It’s a little overwhelming to think about creating a design, but if you break it down it’s much more approachable. We recommend thinking about color as one of your first steps! Start your cover design Pinterest board with a collection of pins that shows different color palettes. You can look for photos of paint sample groupings, floral arrangements, paintings, fabric groupings, or even landscapes. If you need a good place to start, check out our Pinterest board dedicated to color!


Now start looking for pins that illustrate design elements you want to incorporate into your contest entry. Think about basic design elements such as shape, line, texture, repetition, space, scale, and dominance. You could find those elements in art pieces such as paintings, sculptures, printing, weaving, stitching, or collage. Exploring multiple mediums will result in a more interesting and informed design! You could also add examples of patterns you like, including those from your favorite designers on Instagram. (To add one of their posts to your Pinterest board, simply click the three dots at the top of their Instagram post and select “Share to” and the “Pinterest.”) We also have a great Pinterest board full of beautiful patterns and one full of inspiring art—check them out!


Lastly, spice up your board with a few unexpected elements. Adding a mixture of things will keep your board fresh and inspiring! You could add a few quotes that inspire your creativity, samples of rad outfits, or gorgeous city or landscape scenes. You might want to also add photos of soothing interiors or still life set ups. Find a mix of things that inspire you or give your brain something fresh to focus on. These unexpected elements on your board will help break up the mental work of designing and may just spark a new idea that takes your design to the next level!

What’s on your Design Contest Pinterest board? Share with us what keeps you inspired!