Planning Helps Me Be More: Present

One of the things we love most about planning is its transformative nature. It’s a simple practice that, over time, helps you turn thought into action and transforms you into a better self. Planning out actions and goals is the secret to reaching your potential. Simply put, planning helps each of us to be more.

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Intentional Living

We talked with some of our most dedicated planners in the Golden Coil community and asked them to tell us how planning makes them more present. We hope you feel as inspired and motivated as we did from their beautiful insight!

“I feel more present with my family and at my job when I’m not constantly trying to remember what I was hoping to do next. Every night I sit down and write down everything on my mind that I might like to accomplish the next day, and the next morning I review that list. I am a better wife, mother and friend when I am present, and I feel most present when I have planned my day!” -Sara Allison

“Golden Coil helps me remain present because I already have my day completely planned out. This allows me to be present with what I am doing without wondering when I will get all of my other work done or have to meet with someone. By having a place to “brain dump” I can write down what I am thinking and attack it at a later time.” -Katie Carley

“With social media, emails, texts, YouTube I find myself not truly paying attention to what I am doing. Often I am rewatching or rereading something because of a wandering mind. Writing in my planner keeps me present on the items I need to do or be mindful of in the coming days, weeks and months. In this uncertain time it keeps me focused on the here and now and not worrying about the far distant future. It is a familiar part of the old ‘normal’—something that reminds me that what I loved then, I love now.” -Rebecca Valletti

“Planning helps me be present in those moments that matter. Rather than focusing on my to do list or what I need to do, I can be present with my friends and family. I am able to do this by carving out 30 minutes each week to plan out the next week to help give me peace of mind.” -Jacqueline Serrano

“Planning helps me be more present. My favorite thing about using a paper planner is having my to-do list in front of me without needing to look at a screen. I found that when my planner was electronic, I'd need to have my computer/phone/tablet available all the time, and this led to me getting distracted. I'd look to see what needs to get done for laundry and meal prep that day, and inevitably I'd end up on social media or responding to an email that could wait until the evening. When I'm home with my kids I want to be looking at my computer and phone less, not more!” -Kate Comeau

How does planning help you be more? Share with us in the comments!