Working from Home

Golden Coil Customizable Planners Working from Home

We know this year has been difficult for everyone and working from home has created some new challenges. We’re still figuring it out ourselves, but we wanted to share some of our thoughts in case they are helpful for you! We chatted with our founders, Michelle and Trisha, to get their insights:

What distracts you most when working from home? How do you work around it?

Michelle: For me, there are a lot more distractions from the uncertainty of COVID-19, but on top of that, my personal projects and to-do’s are distracting! I work around it by scheduling time to focus on my work vs. focus on personal projects, ie I’ll dedicate my kids’ nap time to work and then knock out some personal projects in the evening.

Trisha: Ideas. I have so many ideas for things that I want to do. It may be a house project or a creative project. There are many times that I have to stop myself, rein it in, and focus on the tasks that I really need to accomplish. Then there are times that I let myself chase that idea down the rabbit hole, as that fuels me creatively. 

What habits help you be most productive?

Michelle: Staying organized helps me be my most productive self! Getting everything all out on paper is so vital for me. When I can see everything written out, I can prioritize items based on urgency and distinguish between wants and needs. Then, when I have little pockets of time, I can knock out to-dos without wasting time figuring out what to do next. 

 Trisha: Waking up before my kiddo and husband! When I wake up before them I have my most productive hours. Also, getting some 'me time' in the morning helps my mood throughout the day. Sometimes my two year old still gets the jump on me and wakes up really early. On those mornings I like to make the most out of our time snuggling and relaxing together.

Another habit is keeping a detailed to-do list. There are so many times that I get distracted by what I think I need to be doing. But, when I check my list, it helps clear mental fog, and focus in on what I actually need to be doing. 

What are your favorite products at your workspace? 

Michelle: My workspace is portable! Sometimes it’s best for me to be sitting on the couch, on my bed, or in desperate times, in my closet. I always have my phone, laptop, and laptop charger because I’m notorious for working until my computer is drained! Maybe I need to get a stylish fanny pack to carry my portable workspace… :)

Trisha: I LOVE lighting a candle while I work. I really enjoy having a workspace that smells inviting and makes me want to stay working at my table. Then, of course my planner is essential. It is my brain on paper! 

What's your advice on juggling childcare and work while working from home? What principles and/or practices help you feel most balanced and present?

Michelle: This is difficult and I don’t think I have this figured out, but it’s been really helpful for me to realize I don’t have to be playing with my kids 100% of the time in order to be a good mom. Sometimes my kids can play on their own, have quiet time, or they can play together while I get some work done. What’s important is that when I am with my kids, I am engaged and focused on them! Kids can play on their own and you can use that time and it’s okay! 

Trisha: My husband and I both work from home together, so our situation is a little unique. It is still challenging to juggle who is taking care of Elliott, who needs to get work done, or who needs to take some personal time. I have found that when it is my time to be with Elliott, if I just focus on having fun with him, and put all thoughts of my to do list aside, we have a great time together. Then I am refreshed when it's my turn again to get some work done.

What’s your best advice for working from home? Do you feel like a pro or like you’re treading water?? Share with us in the comments!