Building a Mood Board

Golden Coil Customizable Planner Mood Board

Have you ever put together a mood board? This process can be extremely helpful when working on your Golden Coil Design Contest cover, but it can also be fun for planning an outfit, decorating or organizing part of your home, or even planning an art or work project. Here are some of our tips to help you get started!

Gather materials – Collect things that inspire you. This could be magazine pages and images or even little bits of paper, fabric or trash. Print out images you find online and paste them into your planner or notebook. Once all of the elements are together in one space, you’ll start to see connections that will bring your project together.

Pin it! – Using Pinterest will give you the ability to create multiple boards for different projects or focuses. Having your mood boards online also makes it easier to share inspiration for a joint project. In addition, you can really refine what’s on your board before moving to a physical mood board!

Make it visible – A huge benefit of a physical mood board is that it’s in plain sight. Seeing your board more often can spark ideas (and will help you avoid the distraction and eye-strain of being on your device for Pinterest!)

Try multiple boards – As with Pinterest, it’s nice to have multiple boards so each can be dedicated to a different project or focus. If you have the space, set up multiple boards in a place you’ll see them often and make sure to take down and refresh your boards often so you stay inspired and your space feels fresh. Photograph your board before you start new so you can keep a collection of your boards for future inspiration.