January Art Printable

Hello friends! Michelle and I have been brainstorming ways we could help add a little beauty to your day. We thought it would be fun to offer a free printable art piece each month. A printable that you could put up in your workspace to add a bit of inspiration! This months printable was illustrated by yours truly, Trisha Zemp. :) I meant to have a super talented artist on board for January’s printable, but the month got away from me!

The quote for this months printable comes from our literary quote pack! If you have added that quote pack to your planner, you might see it pop up one of these days!


You can print this piece and put it up on your wall. Or, you could tape it in to the front of your planner!


To get the printable add in your info below and click “Get the printable”. You will be directed to a dropbox folder where you can download the print!

Hope this brightens up your days!

