Freelancing with Your Golden Coil

Freelancer Example Planner for Golden Coil Customizable Planners

Are you a freelancer using a Golden Coil planner? We chatted with two of our favorite freelancers to get an idea of which pages are most useful to them. We hope this helps you when deciding how to design your own freelancer planner!

Kelsea of Kindly by Kelsea said:

“My favorite pages to use on a daily basis (by far) are the standard to-do list pages! Every week, I ‘brain dump’ all that needs to get done and from there, I circle the boxes that are a priority for that particular day. I love that Golden Coil has such a clean design and builds in checkboxes next to each line! It's such a simple page, but this layout is so functional.  My second favorite page is the blank dotted page! I'm a graphic designer, and sometimes I need a space to sketch out a concept. I love that the dots provide a guide and allow me to keep my sketches in the same place as my to-do list!”

Madison of Keeping the Creativity said:

“I love the dot grid layouts for sketching out concepts and washi taping in notes or reminders. Plus, it is just what I need for brain dumping my latest project ideas. This ‘blank’ spread is the perfect spot for organizing my thoughts and coming up with an action plan to put in the dates of my planner. 

Another section I love is the year-at-a-glance spreads! In my latest planner, I added two of these spreads. One is for yearly events and happenings in my personal life and the other is related to all things business. It is great for birthdays, anniversaries, launch dates and blog post due dates!”

Which pages are your favorite for freelancing? Let us know in the comments below!