Sarah Webb from Plain Jane

Sarah Webb of Plain Jane with her Golden Coil customizable planner

We had the chance to chat with Sarah Webb, founder of Plain Jane (the coziest clothes for you and your kiddos!) to ask her a few questions. We are so inspired by her thoughts on productivity and business!

What do you do to jumpstart your day?

  • I wake up before the sun (and my little ones!). I wasn’t a morning person before this year but I made a goal to change that! I wake up to an alarm that plays calm music, put my feet on the ground, say a prayer, take a breath, and head to the gym. I don’t check social media or my email before heading out the door. I drive in silence, listen to music while I’m there, and then head home listening to an audiobook. It helps me clear my head for the day with some “me time.” I keep my Golden Coil notebook in my purse and add any items to my to-do list section as I think about them in the morning. 


How do you keep yourself organized?

  • I’ve really tried to focus on prioritizing my time in the last year. This has helped me become more organized. I love the motion of writing down the important things and checking them off. I focus on just one thing at a time and work like crazy to be in the moment. Something I read recently that really stuck with me was: “What if we stopped celebrating being busy as a measurement of importance? What if instead we celebrated how much time we had spent listening, pondering, meditating, and enjoying time with the most important people in our lives?” (Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less) Doing less of the busy and more of the important has really helped me feel organized both physically and mentally.

Sarah Webb of Plain Jane using her Golden Coil Customizable Planner

What advice would you give someone starting their own business?

  • This is such a loaded question! My short answer: focus on why you started. That’s what brings you joy! Know that nothing is seamless; issues will arise and you will learn from them. Continue educating yourself (there are SO MANY good books/podcasts out there). Don’t be afraid to change or to be wrong. Believe in yourself, your team, and your community. And finally? Quickbooks. Just learn it now instead of later.


How has starting your own business made you feel empowered? What has it taught you about yourself?

  • I think being a mother empowered me to feel brave enough to do something like start my own business. I guess I could say motherhood empowered me in all aspects of my life. It’s interesting because I feel like I have learned I can do anything but also that it’s okay to be wrong.

Plain Jane Christmas pjs

Many thanks to Sarah for taking the time to share these inspirational insights with us! Be sure to check out the Plain Jane website or Instagram for the comfiest clothes for Christmas!