Prepping for 2020: For Your Loved Ones

Golden Coil Prepping for 2020 Things for your Loved Ones

Are you ready for our next 5 challenges to prep for the New Year? These are all great ways to connect with and show some love to your favorite people:

11. Birthday Boss – Buy Birthday cards to prep for next year! Hopefully you uploaded their birthdays into your planner, so you can remember to send those cards. Add a “to-do” in your planner a week before birthdays so you can mail it in time.

12. Two Birds – Do you have movie theater, restaurant or shopping gift cards lying around that you need to use before they expire? (This is a great reason to clean out your purse!) :) What better way to use them than taking your visiting family and friends out for a night on the town?! They’ll feel super loved and grateful and you’ll take advantage of those unused gift cards.

13. Enjoy Time Together – Make some new traditions or enjoy old ones with family and friends. Some of our favorite activities are potluck dinners, gift exchanges, and board games!

14. Focus on What Matters – Be present with your loved ones. Enjoy some time looking through old photos or reminiscing over this last year while you choose your favorites to print. Tell old stories or talk about your highlights and hard times from this past year.

15. Show Gratitude – Write a thank-you note and let someone in your life know that you love them. With our lives so busy and focused on what we need to do personally, it means a lot to take a few moments to let someone know how much they mean to you.

Our final 5 challenges are coming soon—stay tuned!