Favorite Fall Candles

Is it that time of year when you’re ready to add some cozy scents to your workspace, but it’s not quite time to pull out your favorite Christmas-y Frasier Fir candle? We’ve done some research to help you find the perfect fall candle — here are six of our favorites!

Golden Coil Olive Leather Customized planner with capri blue pumpkin dulce candle

6. Amber Vanilla - This candle from Chesapeake Bay (Target, $13) is a great option if you’re not ready to drop $30 on the Baltic Amber candle from Voluspa. Amber, spiced clove, and vanilla bean make for a warm and slightly sweet scent that’s perfect for fall!

5. Juniper Ginger - Another affordable option from Target, this Opalhouse candle comes in a shiny, iridescent blue jar and has a nice mix of sweet juniper with a bit of that ginger zing.

4. Cranberry Patchouli - We also loved this candle from the Chesapeake Bay line at Target. It’s a good balance of sweet and earthy without being too overwhelming.

3. Spiced Cider - The real question here is: can Capri Blue do anything wrong?? We love their candles and this scent is so cozy and inviting! With a bit of cinnamon and some hints of apple, it’s the perfect balance without being overly sweet.

2. Baltic Amber - We feel like this candle is the perfect staple! Sandalwood, cedar, amber and vanilla make it well-rounded without being too specific to the winter holidays and it comes in a beautiful jar with plenty of burn time.

1. Pumpkin Dulce - This beautiful candle (pictured above) is our current favorite! (And of course it’s from Capri Blue!) Besides the beautiful jar, the smell is delicious and full, but without that in-your-face pumpkin scent. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!