Finding Calm in the New Year
We are settling into the new year here and thinking about how we want to approach the months ahead. Some of us have resolutions or goals we are working towards. Others prefer to skip the resolutions entirely. Wherever you land, January always lends itself to being an introspective, quieter time. Today our contributor Myndi is sharing her focus this year and tips if you’re hoping to find something similar!
Hello from the cold midwest! We are hunkered down and shifting into a slower, cozier time for the winter months ahead. I’ve been thinking about what my hopes are for the new year. I’m not really a resolutions person, but I do like to think about the general direction I’m heading and how my daily habits are helping me along the way. This year I am hoping to feel more grounded and centered in myself. I want to feel rooted and calm. On January 1st I sat down with my journal and thought about the daily habits I want to cultivate (or continue focusing on) to help me stay calm and centered this year.
Getting Mindful About Screens and Sounds
Late last year, a friend and I embarked on a week of limiting not only our screen time but also reading time in general. This meant a break from reading books, magazines, scrolling mindlessly on social media, and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. This might sound like your nightmare (it did to me)! I love to read and always have at least two books going. And I love to listen to audiobooks and podcasts while walking, doing chores or eating lunch. I love to read the newspaper and stay engaged with world events. And while the weeklong reading deprivation was really hard, it was also really great. Earlier in the month you may have found me eating lunch and both scrolling the news and listening to a podcast at the same time. I was jumping between too many things at once and feeling like my brain was FULL. I couldn’t think clearly. Tasks were half finished. I felt overwhelmed.
The one week break helped me become more comfortable with the quiet. I was also extremely productive and tackled some dreaded things I’d been putting off (basement organization I’m looking at you!). I completed a jigsaw puzzle and started some creative projects I once thought I didn’t have time for. I made some new playlists and blasted music around the house. After the week off I returned feeling refreshed and clear-headed. Of course I returned to reading books and listening to audiobooks and podcasts again but I found myself more intentional and choosy about when and how I engaged with my phone and books. If you can relate to any of this, I recommend taking a brief break to reset your brain! I guarantee it will help you get centered again. Ps. I am still trying to develop healthier phone scrolling habits (would love your advice below in the comments if you have any to share)!
Three Daily Calming Habits Each Day
I committed myself to three daily habits last year and plan to keep them going this year.
1. When I wake up in the morning I light a stick of incense (my current favorite) and recite a brief meditation in my mind (I had it written down initially but have since memorized it). This simple practice helps show myself loving kindness each day and reminds me to consider others around me at all times.
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May I be well in body, heart, and mind.
May I be at ease and happy.
May you be filled with loving kindness.
May you be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May you be well in body, heart, and mind.
May you be at ease and happy.
May all beings be filled with loving kindness.
May all beings be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May all beings be well in body, heart, and mind.
May all beings be at ease and happy.
2. Walk outside everyday, no matter what the weather. I shoot for 30-60 minutes. If I’m really pressed for time, I try for at least 10-15 minutes first thing in the morning and again after dinner. I love my walks and look forward to them everyday.
3. 15 minutes of an evening calming practice. I usually do it when my kids head to bed (but don’t be surprised if they want to join you)! I set a timer for 15 minutes and either do a meditation, light stretching with the foam roller or a calming yoga flow. If you’re new to meditation and yoga, the Peloton app has some fantastic ones. There are other great meditation apps such as Calm, Insight Timer, and plenty of free yoga videos available online. This is really easy to skip when you’d rather just watch TV at night, but 15 minutes is nothing! If you have 15 minutes to scroll your phone, you have the time for a calming practice! Sometimes I’ll just put my feet up the wall and listen to some favorite music (if you’ve never tried this, you must!).
Lean into the Seasons
If you’re someone who detests certain weather, this one's for you. Embrace the season you’re in! When winter descends and the afternoons are dark, embrace it. Turn off the overhead lights and only use table lamps. Light all the cozy candles. String up twinkle lights, stock the cabinet with a delicious tea (everyone in my house is hooked on this), make nourishing soups, and dress properly for cold temps and get out for brisk walks. Our family loves winter hikes (no mosquitoes!). In the spring, soak up the damp shift in weather, admire the flowers as they begin to bloom and eat all the wonderful greens coming into season. In summer, enjoy long days outside. Swim in cold water and let the sun dry you off. In fall, mark the slowing down and falling leaves with bonfires and pulling all the cozy layers from the closet. Fully be in the season and enjoy everything it provides. It will help you stay centered in your day and find gratitude in simple moments.
Boundaries and Connection
I am a people pleaser and as I’m getting older it’s becoming more clear to me what I can and cannot accept. It’s important and healthy to think about the challenges you face. Maybe it’s a difficult relationship with someone in your life or a challenging work schedule. Maybe you worry about disappointing others so you choose to do what will make others happy before considering yourself. Explore these parts of yourself. I find writing in my journal helps alot. My friend hates to journal so she records voice memo “journal entries” on her phone. Dive deeper into your wants, needs, and any healthy boundaries you might need to draw in order to bring more peace and stability in your life.
I have been working to find the sweet spot between holding boundaries and opening myself to new connections and opportunities. As an introverted homebody it’s easy to decline plans and stay in more often than not. But this year I am trying to say yes to opportunities that open up deeper connections with friends and family and help me grow as a person. Sometimes experiencing a little discomfort outside of our comfort zones is how we get stronger.
Thank you Myndi for sharing these strategies for staying centered and calm this year! We hope you find something here that helps in your own growth this year. And if you have anything to add in the comments below we would love to hear from you!