Enjoying Life Outside of a Schedule

As summer is now in full swing, many of us are trying to manage our lives outside of our normal daily schedules. This can oftentimes be a difficult transition and finding your daily groove can take awhile. Today we want to talk about embracing this for the next few months and finding joy in a little less rigidity in our lives.

Being thrust into the no schedule life of summer (especially if you have kids) can take us aback at first, but think of it as a way of finding a good work-life balance in your life. With kids, the school year can get super busy with after school activities, classroom volunteering, graduation ceremonies and more. It can be nice to slow down and think about the most important things you want to have fill your time and consider taking out things that are causing more stress for your family and are no longer serving you the way it used to. This is something to think about for those that don’t have kids as well. The long summer evenings are a great time to ponder finding a better balance between work and life and really figuring out where you want your time spent.

Having a little more time on your hand throughout these next few months is also a great time to take up a new hobby you have been wanting to try out! Summer is a great time for pickle ball, hiking, swimming, walking or gardening! Find something you have been wanting to try and jump in!

With our long summer days and nights, this is a great time to look forward to nurturing some relationships that may have been put on the back burner. Plan a friend/family BBQ, game night or s’more night to reconnect with those that you may not have had the time to do with a more ridged schedule. 

Use this additional time to really check in with your creative side. Find ways to explore your creativity and allow that part of your brain to take over. It can be exhilarating allowing yourself to get lost in a project and focus solely on what you are creating for a few hours. This may take a few tries, finding something that you love - but don’t get discouraged and don’t give up! Maybe find a friend to pursue this journey with you.

Lastly, try to really self reflect during this time and allow yourself to set some goals for the future. Find what is bringing you joy outside of your scheduled life and find time to fit more of that into your life once life becomes busy again. Allow time for your creativity, health, and family/friends. Give yourself grace as you figure out what works for you and your life at that time.