A Sunday Routine to Start Your Week Off Right

Sundays are the perfect day to reset and prepare for the week ahead. By incorporating simple tasks and a little planning into your Sunday routine, you can set yourself up for success. Here are five rituals you can add to to your Sunday schedule to help you start your week off right:

1. Meal Planning and Grocery List

One of the best ways to simplify your week is to meal plan ahead of time. It’s also an effective way to stay on track with your nutrition and save time overall. In the moment, when you’re busy and trying to make quick decisions, you’ll have no need to expend extra mental energy on what to eat or how to acquire/make it. Consider your schedule and plan meals that work with what’s happening that week. They can be as easy or elaborate as you want, but the beauty is you can make the decision ahead of time.

Once you have your meal plan, create a grocery list of all the ingredients you'll need. This not only ensures you have everything on hand when it's time to prepare, but also helps prevent impulse buys at the grocery store, saving you money in the long run. If you have a grocery delivery service, put in your order ahead of time so it will be delivered and ready for the week ahead. There are so many designated pages for your planner that can really streamline this process (eg. Meal Planning 1, 2 & 3 and Groceries and Meals).

2. Budgeting and Financial Planning

Use Sunday as a designated day to review your finances and set a budget for the week. Take stock of what you’ve spent in the past week, and what you have to spend for the upcoming one. Try to consider any expenditures you may need to make—upcoming bills, subscriptions, groceries, activities, etc. and consider your financial goals for the week. 

I find that using the Sections or Boxes calendar pages in your planner is a great way to keep track of what you’ve spent on a daily basis throughout the week. Jotting down the vendors and amount on the day the transaction occurred, helps reduce the likelihood that I’ll forget to track it. You can also jot it down on a blank planner page or utilize one of the Budgeting pages specifically. This will give you peace of mind throughout the week that you’re not overspending.

3. Self-Care and Relaxation

While it's essential to be productive and set yourself up for success, Sunday is also a great day to prioritize self-care and relaxation. Take some time to unwind and do activities that help you relax and recharge. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, practicing yoga, or following a spiritual or meditative practice, find activities that bring you joy and help alleviate stress so you can reset and start your week with a fresh slate.

4. Reflect and Set Goals

Sunday is also an excellent time to reflect on the past week and set intentions for the week ahead. Take a few moments to journal about your accomplishments, challenges, and any takeaways from the past week. Celebrate incremental improvements, no matter how small, and identify areas you’d like to focus on going forward.

Then, set specific, achievable goals for the upcoming week. Your planner is the perfect place to keep track of your goals, whether they're related to work, health, relationships, or personal growth. No matter what, there’s a page or tracker that can help keep you focused, motivated, and accountable throughout the week. 

5. Prepare Your Environment

Finally, take some time on Sunday to tidy up and prepare your environment for the week ahead. Do a quick pick up of your home and reset any spaces you know will get heavily used, such as the kitchen or office. Perhaps restock a pantry or food items for ease of packing lunches. If you do meal prep for the week, make those meals. If you plan on exercising on Monday, set out workout clothes the night before. Basically prime your environment for success. By doing so, it reduces overwhelm and opportunities for procrastination. 

Incorporating these Sunday rituals into your routine can help jumpstart your week on a positive note. Hopefully by prioritizing Sunday planning, it can help reduce stress and simplify your life throughout the rest of the week too.