Using Your Golden Coil Throughout Summer

Now that summer has officially arrived (yay!) we are here to help you with some tips and tricks to keep up your Golden Coil planning throughout the summer months.

Oftentimes we think summer is more laid back and chill compared to maybe months where you or your kids are in school, however they can often be even busier! Between vacations, pool parties, kids sports/activities and neighborhood BBQ’s your schedule can fill up faster than you expect. This is where utilizing your planner frequently can help!

  1. First off, put your planner somewhere you will see it everyday. Whether that be a nightstand or kitchen counter, make sure it is in sight so it doesn’t get dusty in a random drawer or shelf. 

  2. Don’t stop your nightly or weekly planning sessions. Even if you don’t have something scheduled for each day, still sit down and write down what you have going on that week, your to do’s and gratitude,

  3. When creating your planner, choose +pages that can be helpful for the summer months! We love using our Bucket List page, Reading page, Travel page and Event Planning for these months. You can create your summer bucket list with your friends or family, start a book club and utilize your reading page, take advantage of our travel page for your summer vacations and our event planning page is great for planning a BBQ or pool party.

  4. Use your planner as a scrapbook or journal! Your planner is a great place to add memories from that day or week, and in many of our layouts such as Horizontal Half 2, there s a small box to add a photo from your memories that week!

  5. Romanticize planning. Sometimes planning out our weeks/days can feel like a chore, but try making it a relaxing and soothing experience. Light a candle, put on some nice music, grab a great pen and get to work. Think of the stress relief that will come from knowing you have your week planned and are ready for everything on your schedule. Getting a to-do list written is so satisfying and can help declutter everything going on in your mind. 

  6. Find a favorite planning spot. Whether this is your bed at night, your desk every morning or maybe on your back patio with your morning coffee. Find your place and start your planning routine.

  7. Set Reminders. Sometimes when transitioning into a new schedule like in summer, it can be hard to find your groove when it comes to your day to day tasks and plans. If you find you are forgetting to spend time with your planner, set a daily or weekly reminder on your phone at a time you want to get into the habit to plan and start there.

We hope these tips help and we hope that all our Golden Coil fam has an incredible summer! Happy Planning!