Creating Quarterly Lifestyle Checklists with your Golden Coil

Hey Golden Coil Fam! Today we are coming at you with one of our all time favorite ways to utilize some of our extra pages within our Golden Coil planners and notebooks. I think its safe to say, we are all lovers of a good list and checking things off that list. However, not all of our to-do’s can go in our weekly/daily checklists. Things like certain household chores, oil changes, travel plans, and holiday planning, are ones that need to be remembered quarterly instead of daily or weekly. Here is how we like to set this up in our planners!

First off, head to our +pages tab! You will want to add 4 Home Care pages, 4 Subscription Pages, and then maybe a Measurement Tracker, a “Recipes 1” page, and a Reminders page. These will all go at the end of your planner. Then, you will want to create an event every 3 months within your planner, reminding you that it is time for your quarterly check in! When you see this reminder, head to the back of your planner and get ready to start crossing off your tasks!

Some things we like to have on our Home Care pages are the following: (remember, everything on this list doesn’t have to be done quarterly, just something to have a few times a year to stay on top of tasks around the house!)

  • Change air filters

  • Clean out fridge

  • Clean oven

  • Clean Dishwasher

  • Dust Blinds

  • Vacuum/mop under furniture

  • Clean out garage

  • Clean Backyard patio/grill

  • Change out filters in fridge or RO systems

  • Clean/sanitize couches, chairs and mattresses 

  • Vacuum out/clean car

  • Dust Baseboards/Chair rails

With our subscription page you will want to go into your email or bank statements and take note of all the subscriptions you are currently paying for and decide whether or not it is something that is still serving you well at that time or if you can go three months without it until your next subscription check in. This is a great way to save money, subscriptions can add up quickly without us realizing it!

If you are into tracking your health and fitness, adding a measurement tracker is a great addition to quarterly check-ins! Especially if you have certain goals in mind, it will be fun to take a look at how you progress and what works/doesn’t work for you!

We love adding a Recipe page so that we can write down our favorite recipe that we made over the last few months! If you are a big chef or baker, definitely consider adding more than one of these layouts! It is a great way to build a recipe book for the future and convenient to look back on when needing a dinner idea.

Lastly, we recommend a Reminders page. This will work as your catch all for any other things you need to be checking in on at certain times throughout this year. This could include oil changes, annual physicals, biannual dental appointments for you and your significant other/family members, membership payments to gyms or HOAs, eye exams, pest control, or any other standing appointments or to-dos that need to be done throughout the year! It is always such a relief to have these things written down and reminders throughout your planner to ensure you never miss a thing. 

Let us know if you have any other suggestions or things that we should add to a quarterly lifestyle check-in!