Page Highlight - School Edition

Where are all my students, teachers, tutors or homeschooling parents?! This blog post is for you! Golden Coil has some great school layouts that we want to highlight for you today so you can decide which layouts are going to serve you the most!

We have three school specific layouts in our +Pages tab under the lifestyle section. They are Homework, School and Lesson planning. 

Lets start with our homework layout. It is one of our personal favorites with sections for to-do, priorities, assignments, days of the week and a look ahead for the following week. This is a great place to layout everything that needs to get done for school, all in one place. It just takes a quick glance to see what needs to get done each day and the priorities for the week. By laying tasks out this way, it helps reduce procrastination and streamline to-dos!

Next is our favorite schooling layout for homeschooling parents! It is our “School” layout. It’s a great way to do a weekly overview of lessons, to-dos, goals and tasks/habits. This is especially great if you are following a curriculum and don’t necessarily have to lesson plan each day for your child. It allows you to set a great schedule, plan ahead and get jot down what you hope to accomplish that week. This is a single page layout which means you can write down schedules for 2 kids within the same week of spreads and still have them be separate (as shown below).

Lastly, our Lesson planning page! This is for teachers, tutors, student teachers and even those homeschooling parents creating their own curriculum. This is a great layout for listing off everything you will need, how long you plan on teaching, homework for the lesson, and resources or materials used. This is also a single page layout so you can do more than one per spread, or if needed you can overflow your previous lesson onto the next page. 

Although these are our dedicated schooling pages, you could also utilize our Reading, Bucket List, Goals, Brain Dump, Story Board or any of our Standard +pages to complete your schooling planner or notebook needs. There really is something for everyone and we know these pages will help you accomplish all of your schooling, teaching or homework needs

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