Ways to Prepare for Summer Travel

For many, the summer season represents fun, travel, and memories waiting to be made. It’s a refreshing time of year, and there’s an overall shift of energy in the air.  If you plan on traveling this summer, you’ll enjoy today’s blog post. I’ll be sharing three main ways to prepare for summer travel, with creative tips and ideas sprinkled throughout. Whether you’re headed to Asia, Antarctica, or just the town over, this blog post should help make your preparation process easier and more fun.

1. Utilize Golden Coil Pages
Aside from penciling travel dates into your calendar, I’m here to remind you that Golden Coil has add-on pages designed to make travel planning simple. There are also add-on pages that make it easy capture travel memories on the go. 

First up is the Travel page. To add it to your planner, head to the “Extra Pages” tab. You’ll find it under the “Lifestyle” section. 

This page has everything you need to outline your next trip. It includes sections for accommodations, activities, to-do lists, packing, and more. And with so many lines, there’s room to jot down definitive plans as well as new travel ideas as you think of them. 

Another page I love is the Storyboard page. You can find this page under the “Extra Pages” tab as well. From there, it’s located under the “Projects” section.

This layout is designed for storyboarding, but it’s also perfect for sketching moments and scenes of your travels. For creative individuals, this is a great way to capture memories in a meaningful way. This is also a great alternative to traditional journaling (which we also have pages for!) if that isn’t your thing. 

2. Do Your Planning & Preparation Ahead of Time

One of the most important ways to prepare for summer travel is to plan and do your research ahead of time. You don’t necessarily need to map out a complete itinerary, but it’s a good idea to get a feel for activities, places, and details before you go. 

I recommend using the Travel page or a blank page to start mapping things out. Here are some ideas of things to research:

  1. Accommodations

  2. Neighborhoods

  3. Things to do 

  4. Restaurants

  5. Museums

  6. Transportation

  7. What to pack 

  8. Weather

  9. Safety 

  10. Things to know before visiting (destination)

  11. Tips for (solo, family, couple, etc.) travel 

  12. Money saving tips

With travel, a little planning can go a long way. By researching helpful travel guides, you can plan accordingly for your destination, as well as prepare for details you might have otherwise missed. This can save so much hassle and prevent you from being overwhelmed at the last second. 

3. Get Excited

Planning the details of your summer travels is extremely important. However, there’s another factor that's not to be missed: the fun factor. I’m here to remind you to get excited about your trip! Travel can be stressful, but the main point is to enjoy yourself. 

Luckily, there are many ways to bring the fun factor back into travel preparation. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Make a vacation playlist

  2. Talk to your friends and family about your upcoming trip

  3. Watch videos and vlogs about your destination

  4. Plan outfits that match your destination

  5. Go shopping for travel necessities 

  6. Pick up your favorite snacks for the journey

  7. Buy new travel gear

  8. Make a list of tours or attractions you’re most excited about

  9. Practice a new language (if you’re traveling somewhere that requires it)

  10. Read books or watch movies that take place where you’re going

  11. Journal about what you’re most looking forward to 

  12. Journal about what travel means to you

Are you excited about your travels yet? I hope so. Whether you hate the trip planning process or secretly love it, I hope today’s blog post gave you some inspiration. My last piece of travel advice is just a reminder: plan what you can ahead of time, but ultimately, remember to have fun!