Practicing Gratitude – Even When You Don’t Feel Like It:

Oftentimes practicing gratitude can feel overwhelming – like another thing to add to your daily “To-Do” list. However, this becomes a much easier task once you begin shifting your day-to-day mindset. You don’t have to start out with a gratitude journal and lengthy prompts to follow every day. Rather, think of the little things that you have to be grateful for that many people may not have or have access to in the way you might! We have gone ahead and written out a list of 20 things that you may have to be grateful for that you likely use in one way or another, each and every day! Whenever you experience a time where you are utilizing one of these things, just think to yourself, “I am really grateful for ________”!


1.     Your job – whether or not it is your dream job or paying you what you had hoped, it is something to be grateful for!

2.     Roof over your head – even if you aren’t living in your dream home yet (I know I’m not!) this is something not everyone has access to!

3.     A warm bed to sleep in every night!

4.     A fridge that can elongate the life of the food you purchase every week.

5.     Accessible grocery stores – with pretty much everything you could need!

6.     Running water – have you ever had your water turned off for a day or two for one reason or another? Construction, weather, etc. You find out quickly that it is something to be grateful for!

7.     The ability to access a washer and dryer.

8.     Modern medicine – to keep you feeling healthy and vibrant

9.     Electricity – giving you light, cooling, heat, etc!

10.  Friends – You cannot underestimate the value of a great support system.

11.  Family – People to call yours through thick and thin.

12.  A body that can move!

13.  Books to help us learn and entertain us!

14.  TV – to help us learn, keep us informed through the news, and entertained!

15.  Online shopping – the ease and availability of having things delivered straight to our doors is absolutely incredible!

16.  Coffee/tea – this is part of so many people’s morning routines! If this is a way you like to start your morning, why not think to yourself how grateful you are for it everyday?!

17.  A spiritual belief system or religious practice – a way to approach the world that makes sense to you and offers peace.

18.  Education - the accessibility to it alone is amazing! You can learn so much through the internet without ever leaving your home. College, Grade School, etc. All are things to be grateful for in one way or another!

19.  Transportation – whether or not you own a vehicle, you likely still have many options available to you where you live – buses, taxis, trains, etc.

20.  Your Golden Coil planner/notebook – something so beautiful to help you stay organized and on top of all life has to throw at you!


As you can see, starting out small isn’t hard at all! As you begin to make this mindset part of your everyday life you can then decide if you want to start growing into bigger ways of practicing gratitude such as writing it down, doing daily prompts, etc. The decision is yours!

Happy Thanksgiving, Golden Coil friends!


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