6 Way to Improve Your Morning Routine 

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As we move into the summer, it’s a good time to reassess our morning routines. Taking a little time for ourselves in the morning sets our day on the right track. Pick a routine that works for you and make a goal to follow it for two weeks. Here are some of our favorite tips for improving your morning routine. 


Be intentional with your evening routine. Putting screens and devices away an hour or so before bed and drinking a cup of herbal tea will help your body relax. Consider doing a short restorative yoga flow or 5-minute meditation to let go of any lingering stress from the day. 


Sleep is such a precious gift, but you’re going to need some time to yourself, so set your alarm a little earlier! Try 30-45 minutes earlier to start. When you rise in the morning, keep your phone and computer put away. 


Drinking water, especially warm water with a little lemon will help boost your metabolism, hydrate your body, and aid in digestion throughout your day. 


Meditation helps us reduce stress and anxiety, enhance our self-awareness and connection with others, and calm our minds. There are many apps and free resources to get started. If you’ve never tried meditation, start with 5 minutes and build from there. Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Set a timer and start with a few deep breaths. Many people like the 4-7-8 breathing technique to begin (breathe in for four counts, hold for 7 counts, breathe out for 8 counts). After a few deep breaths, let your breathing settle in at a comfortable rhythm. If you find meditation difficult, choose a mantra or phrase you can focus on and repeat, such as, “Inhale peace, exhale distress.” or “I am here. I am now.” 

As you close your meditation, set your intention for the day. This intention from Jeff Kober always resonates,”Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.” 


This quiet time is a great time to journal. If you’re not familiar with morning pages, they are a wonderful tool you can utilize in the morning. Morning pages are a stream-of-consciousness style journaling first introduced by Julia Cameron. The idea is to sit down and write for 30 minutes, or 3 pages of any thoughts in your head. There’s no right or wrong way to do this. And the pages aren’t meant to be read or shared. They might be full of half thoughts or things that don’t flow. It’s okay! These pages will allow you to clear your mind, process emotions and stress, and open up creative ideas. Our lined notebooks are perfect for writing your morning pages. If 30 minutes or three pages feels too daunting as you begin, set a timer for 15 minutes and write until the timer goes off. Build your way up to 30 minutes.


After you’ve finished your morning pages, check in with your planner to take a look at the day and week ahead. Jot down any to-dos or things you’ve remembered. You’ll now be ready to take on the day with a clearer mind and spirit. 

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