I Am. I Can. Affirmations for the New Year!

Affirmations are positive statements that you can use to form your own personal belief systems. With the new year being a time for new beginnings and commitments, or re-commitments to self, affirmations can help you move towards and manifest new realities.  I like to write an affirmation each day in my Golden Coil Month-At-Glance spread. Sometimes I use the same affirmation for multiple days, or for the whole month! You can write them down, read them, speak them aloud, or simply repeat them to yourself. Here are 100 affirmations get you grounded, spark your creativity, or manifest abundance in the new year. 


  • I can make magic.

  • I will follow my biggest dreams.

  • I have faith in myself and all that I can do.

  • I am uniquely talented.

  • The goals I want want me too.

  • I have what it takes to reach my goals.

  • I deserve success.

  • I am surrounded by people who will always support me. 

  • I am open to my wildest dreams. 

  • My dreams will take me higher than my fears.

Focus and Determination

  • I can handle anything that comes my way.

  • I have the courage to keep going.

  • I can do anything I put my mind to. 

  • I will face the world with great courage. 

  • It is impossible for me to fail. 

  • I will commit to my goals. 

  • I am surrounded by people who believe in me. 

  • I am a product of my decisions, not my circumstances.

  • I can achieve anything I put my mind to. 

  • I have unlimited belief in myself.


  • I am an incredible parent.

  • I focus on progress, not perfection.

  • I am doing my best and that looks different everyday. 

  • I can set and keep boundaries.

  • I can ask for help and take the space I need.

  • I can be frustrated. It’s how I meet the moment that matters.

  • I can always find patience.

  • I am confident in my role as a parent.

  • I trust my instincts.

  • What works for my family may not work for other people, and vice versa.

  • I will not be shamed by strangers.

Living with Purpose

  • I matter.

  • I am in charge of my life.

  • I am brave.

  • I know my purpose and commit to living in it.

  • I love the life I am creating.

  • I am working on becoming the best version of myself.

  • I will let both my head and heart guide me.

  • I move through the world with grace and ease. 

  • I am allowed to learn and grow.

  • I will trust my intuition.


  • I am full of amazing ideas. 

  • I am open to trying new things.

  • I am always learning.

  • I have unique gifts.

  • I am always inspired.

  • I find inspiration in the world around me. 

  • I am always thinking of new things. 

  • My imagination is limitless.

  • The things I create are important. 

  • I am always ready to be inspired.

Happiness + Abundance

  • I am grateful for all that I have and all that I will receive. 

  • I am open to give and receive joy. 

  • I always choose happiness.

  • Something wonderful is going to happen.

  • I can find the good in any situation. 

  • My world is one of abundance.

  • I will always have a enough.

  • I attract hapiness and abundance.

  • I am responsible for my happiness. 

  • The joy in my life is boundless. 


  • I love myself.

  • I am surrounded by love. 

  • I take time to show myself love and care. 

  • I am worthy of love. 

  • I will allow love to fill me up and move me forward. 

  • There is room for unconditional love in my life. 

  • I can only thrive in healthy relationships.

  • I always choose love. 

  • I am open to love. 

  • I am making room in my life for my perfect partner. 

  • Love starts with me. 

Health + Healing

  • I am strong. 

  • I love my body.

  • I deserve health.

  • I choose healing. 

  • My body has the power to heal.

  • I will listen to my body.

  • I will give my mind, body, and soul, the things they need. 

  • I am always learning how to take care of myself. 

  • I am getting healthier, everyday. 

  • My body can do things beyond my wildest imagination.

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