Helpful Hints for the Holiday Host

With Christmas Eve only 3 days away, you, like us, are probably anticipating cozy evenings around the tree, family traditions, and lots of delicious food. Between shopping, wrapping, cooking, parties, and festivities this can be a dizzying time of year, especially if you are playing host! If you’re feeling the all-to-common holiday overwhelm, it’s time to reconnect. To remember what this time of year is truly about! 






Don’t let yourself get so caught up in the chaos of hosting that you finish the week feeling exhausted and empty. We’ve compiled a few tips to help holiday hosts accomplish their big plans and finish the week feeling fulfilled, thankful, and lighthearted! 

Helpful Hints for the Holiday Host:

  • Remember WHY you are choosing to host. As you prepare, visualize the joy of giving your time, sharing your talents, and bringing together loved ones.

  • Crack open your planner! It’ll be your best friend in this process! If you have added an “Events” page to your planner, utilize this page to keep track of everything in one place. 

  • Plan meaningful activities that deepen relationships and draw people together! (i.e. interactive games, creative contests in teams, talent shows, service projects, etc.) 

  • Go through the process of time blocking your event. Visualizing your timeline, and fitting in all those festivities that are most important to you will help you to see all the puzzle pieces that need to come together. 

  • Make an exhaustive to-do list for your upcoming event. Break down larger to-dos into bite-sized pieces. Categorize to-dos in order of importance. Block out a specific amount of time in your schedule for each absolutely necessary “to-do”. Stick to these time blocks as if they were formal appointments.

  • Prepare as much as you can prior to the day of your event. If you are cooking/baking, find out which recipes can be made 1-2 days ahead of time (or the evening before) and frozen/refrigerated to stay fresh until you are ready to serve or cook them! 

  • Recruit and delegate! As you work to make your big plans come together, bring others along with you! People love to feel needed, and YOU will love the company and help!

  • Plan ahead to wake to a tidy home the morning of your event. A peaceful environment will make day-of preparations easier for everyone, especially you!

  • On the day of your event, it’s time to relax, enjoy, and focus on people! It’s not critical to follow your plan with exactness. Leave room for relaxation and spontaneity.

Happy Holidays, Golden Coil Friends!

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